Title: A Loss Of Virtue Pairing: Gaia/OFC (Aurelie) Characters: Lucretia, Diona. Fandom: Spartacus Rating: PG-13 Setting: AU Post - Beneath the Mask. Summary: Lucretia gifts Gaia a slave in apology for her wounds.
Title: A Promise Long Unfulfilled Pairing: Barca/Pietros Rating: R Setting: post-series, way post series Summary: After two thousand years as a vampire, Barca meets a very familiar looking young man. He fulfills a promise.
Gladiator movies used to be nicknamed "sword and sandal epics." But thanks to "Spartacus" -- the outrageous new TV series on Starz -- they could just as easily be called "sex and violence" epics.
The new season begins next month and fans won't have to wait long for
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